Kohesi bond’s technical experts come across a wide range of applications. Each application is unique and so are their requirements. Read our factual case studies to uncover answers and product recommendations for various bonding, coating, sealing, potting and encapsulation applications.
Joining two or more components of metal together is a fundamental part of engineering. If you are associated with any
Glass Transition Temperature, often called Tg, is a material's natural physical and mechanical properties, especially plastics, including epoxy resins. Many
As adhesive technology has evolved over the years, there have been several variations of optical epoxy. As a result, selecting
Several one-component and two-component epoxy adhesives are used by aerospace manufacturers for bonding, sealing, coating, potting, and encapsulating. Adhesives have
All You Need to Know About Epoxy Coating
Epoxy coating is a protective substance which is applied to safeguard the exterior of carbon steel tanks, shielding them from
Importance Of High Performance Aerospace Adhesive Solutions
By the end of 2023, the global aerospace adhesives and sealants market is expected to surpass USD 1 billion, highlighting
The Importance Of Surface Preparation For Adhesive Bonding
Adhesive bonding is commonly used across various industries to connect two surfaces safely and effectively. Adhesives are a popular method
Importance Of Adhesive Strength In Industrial Bonding
There are several reasons why one would choose adhesives for industrial bonding, over other methods, such as their lightweight, resistance,
Everything You Need To Know About Food Grade Epoxy For Filter Bonding 1
Food-grade epoxy adhesives are an important component for filter bonding in the food processing industry. These adhesives provide strong and
Finding the Best Sealing Solution For Different Industries 1
Sealing solutions play an important role in preventing leaks and maintaining the integrity of different industries by ensuring maximum performance